How can we help?
Your input is important to us. If you would like to send your comments to the Bradford Bypass West Project Team or to be added to the Project Contact List, please complete the online form below and click "submit". If your inquiry is not related to the Bradford Bypass West Environmental and Detail Design study specifically, the Project Team will help direct you to the correct Ministry contact.
The Bradford Bypass West Project Team can also be contacted directly via email or phone:
Phone (24 hrs): +1-877-247-6036
Email: projectteam@bradfordbypass.ca
For all media inquiries, please contact mto.media@ontario.ca
For inquiries related to the County Road 4 Early Works, please contact the Brennan-MH Design Build Team directly using this email: CountyRd4Project@morrisonhershfield.com
Comments and information regarding this project are being collected to assist and inform the Project Team. Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F.31, All comments will be maintained on file for use during the study and, with the exception of personal information and other protected information, including information received in confidence from an Indigenous community, may be included in study documentation and become part of the public record. Information received in confidence from an Indigenous community, such as information on sites of cultural significance, harvesting areas and resources, traditional ecological knowledge, and land use values may be protected and not made public.