Early Works
A Design Build contract for the County Road 4 Early Works was awarded to Brennan Paving & Construction Ltd and Morrison Hershfield (Brennan-MH) in April 2022. For inquiries related to construction and/or pre-construction fieldwork please contact the Brennan-MH Design Build Team directly using this email: CountyRd4Project@morrisonhershfield.com.
In accordance with Section 29 (3) of Ontario Regulation 697/21, an addendum to the County Road 4 Final Early Work Report was posted to the project website on September 6, 2022.
For inquiries related to the addendum please contact the Brennan-MH Design Build Team directly using this e-mail: CountyRd4Project@morrisonhershfield.com
In accordance with Section 12 (1) (c) of Ontario Regulation 697/21, the County Road 4 Final Early Works Report was posted to the project website on March 21, 2022.
Early Works Groundwater Protection and Well Monitoring Plan
In accordance with Section 8 (6) of Ontario Regulation 697/21, comments provided on the Draft Early Works Groundwater Protection and Well Monitoring Plan have been considered and the Final Early Works Groundwater Protection and Well Monitoring Plan has been published on the project website.
Early Works Stormwater Management Plan
In accordance with Section 7 (5) and Section (7) of Ontario Regulation 697/21, comments provided on the Draft Early Works Stormwater Management Plan have been considered and the Final Early Works Stormwater Management Plan has been published on the project website.
Early Works Statement of Completion
The Early Works Statement of Completion has now been issued in accordance with Section 13 of Ontario Regulation 697/21.
Early Works Overview
In accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Regulation 697/21, MTO intends to move ahead with the Early Works. The Early Works, as set out in the regulation are focused on a grade separated bridge crossing for the future Bradford Bypass at County Road 4 (Yonge Street).
MTO has followed the Early Works Assessment Process outlined in Ontario Regulation 697/21 for the County Road 4 Early Works. The regulation provides for an assessment of the proposed bridge at County Road 4 and the potential to proceed in advance of the rest of the Bradford Bypass Project, provided that MTO completes an Early Works Assessment Process as set out in the regulation. MTO is required to complete all regulatory requirements set forth in the regulation, such as carrying out consultation, and obtaining permits and approvals for the project.
To promote efficiencies between the Bradford Bypass Project and the County of Simcoe’s widening of County Road 4 (2012 approved Municipal Class Environmental Assessment), the County Road 4 Early Works will incorporate the widening of this section of County Road 4 including a 3.0m wide multi-use path.
The Project Team has conducted site specific environmental studies in accordance with Ontario Regulation 697/21, as well as those listed on the Overview page, to supplement and update the project Study Area previously completed as part of the 2002 Approved EA. These investigations document existing conditions and inform impact assessments based on the design and prescribe necessary mitigation measures and/or next steps.
The environmental impacts related to the Early Works have been assessed in accordance with Ontario Regulation 697/21. The Draft County Road 4 Early Works Report was available for review on the project website (www.BradfordBypass.ca/early-works/) from January 13, 2022 until February 12, 2022.
The County Road 4 Early Works Report summarizes the local environmental conditions within the Early Works Study Area. The report also provides an assessment and evaluation of potential impacts that the Early Works will have on the environment, a description of mitigation measures and monitoring activities, and a consultation record.
In accordance with Section 11(4) of Ontario Regulation 697/21, the Ministry of Transportation established an issues resolution process to attempt to resolve any concerns raised by interested persons and Indigenous communities, in a way that does not cause unreasonable delay to the implementation of the Early Works. The issues resolution process included a review of comments received during the public review period, engagement of subject matter experts as required, and then preparation and final review of responses. Issues were considered on a case by case basis to determine if changes were required to the Project or if clarification on the Project or process was required. Further consultation with individual stakeholders took place, as required.
Section 8 of the Early Works Report provides a record of issues and resolutions in the form of feedback received and Project Team actions. Correspondence received during the review of the Draft Early Works Report along with Project Team responses has been added to the Consultation Record available in Appendix B.
The Notice of Publication of the Draft Early Works Report was issued on January 7, 2022 in accordance with Ontario Regulation 697/21: Section 10(3).
The Notice of Final Early Works Report was issued on March 21, 2022 in accordance with Ontario Regulation 697/21: Section 13.
Comments have been collected to assist MTO in meeting the requirements of Ontario Regulation 697/21. This material will be maintained on file for use during the Study and is included in project documentation. Information collected will be used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F.31. With the exception of personal information, all comments have become part of the public record.